
Sajan Mahendra Ganga

Software Architect . Full Stack Developer

LocationMelbourne, VIC, Australia

Master of Computer Application 2014 . 78%

Sree Narayana Institute of Technology Kollam, Kerala, India

Bachelor of Commerce with Computer Application 2011 . 76%

Sree Narayana College of Technology Kollam, Kerala, India

AngularReact.JSReact NativeVue.JSSvelteQwikSolidJsNextJSNestJSLoopbackPolymerElectronTauriFlutterRxjsLaravelDjangoD3Three.jsTailwindCss
Mongo DBDynamo DBMySQLSQLiteRedisPostgreSQLSupabaseFireStoreCasandraElasticsearchNeo4j
Messaging Systems
AWS SNSAWS SQSApache KafkaApache PulsarRabbitMQ
Api GatewayLambdaCloudwatchCloudFormationStepFunctionsElastic Bean Stack
AWSCloudflareGCPVercelDigital Ocean
Bitbucket PipelinesGithub ActionsCircle CIJenkins
Web Technologies
RESTGraphQLWeb SocketsWeb SWeb ComponentsWeb WorkersWeb AssemblyHTML5CSS3SCSS
Test Driven DevelopmentDomain Driven DesignObject Oriented DesignSoftware DesignSoftware ArchitectureSolutions ArchitectureDatabase Design

ISPG Technologies Pvt Ltd . Senior Software Engineer

June 2021-March 2024
Kochi, Kerala, India
Software ArchitectTeam LeadCode ReviewsMentorClient CommunicationPulsar MessagingOpen AILLM'sMongoDBMySQLElasticSearchReactJsNextJsNestJsStrapiAWSCI/CDJiraNxServerlessPython
  • Designed and deployed 10+ scalable software architectures, leading to a 30% reduction in system downtime and a 20% improvement in performance
  • Managed CI/CD pipelines and streamlined development processes for over 20 projects, enhancing team productivity by 25%.
  • Evaluated and selected technology stacks for 10+ projects, optimizing project costs by 25% while ensuring a 15% increase in development efficiency
  • Streamlined the development process for 20+ projects, resulting in a 40% reduction in time-to-market and a 25% increase in team productivity
  • Aligned technical strategies with business goals for 10+ projects, contributing to a 50% growth in product revenue and a 35% increase in customer satisfaction
  • Led and motivated a team of 15+ developers, achieving a 90% team satisfaction rate and a 50% decrease in turnover
  • Mentored 10+ junior developers, resulting in a 100% team skill improvement and successful on-time delivery for 95% of assigned projects
  • Instituted code quality standards across 25+ projects, leading to a 60% reduction in post-release bugs and a 40% improvement in code maintainability
  • Enhanced system scalability and security for 10+ systems, reducing security incidents by 80% and supporting a 100% increase in user load
  • Integrated cutting-edge technologies and practices into projects, leading to a 70% enhancement in innovation and a 30% increase in competitive advantage

Edify Data Science . Senior Software Engineer

August 2018-May 2021
Thiruvanthapuram, Kearla, India
Software ArchitectSolution ArchitectTeam LeadCode ReviewsMentorClient CommunicationMongoDBElasticSearchC#NestJsAngularReactJsPolymerAWSCI/CDJiraServerlessPython
  • Designed and developed 10+ sophisticated software applications, significantly enhancing system functionality and user experience
  • Maintained a 95% code quality score across projects by rigorously reviewing and refactoring practices.
  • Scaled 100% of developed systems to handle a 2x increase in user load without performance degradation.
  • Managed the full software development lifecycle for 5 products, cutting project delivery timelines by 30%.
  • Mentored 5+ junior engineers, boosting team productivity and slashing onboarding time by 60%.
  • Drove architectural decisions in the main product, leading to a 25% boost in system efficiency and a 20% cost reduction.• Tackled and solved complex technical challenges in 10+ projects, enhancing system reliability by 50%.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams on 10+ projects to ensure technical solutions aligned with business requirements, achieving a 95% stakeholder satisfaction rate.
  • Committed to professional growth, adopted 10+ latest industry technologies and trends into projects, resulting in a 30% enhancement in system performance and functionality

Ironss Technology Pvt Lts . Freelancer

July 2017-October 2018
Kollam, Kerala, India
Software ArchitectSolution ArchitectCode ReviewsMentorClient CommunicationMongoDBPostgreSqlMySQLNeo4JNestJsCodeigniterLaravelAngularReactReact NativeVueJsAWSGCPCI/CDJenkinsJiraJavaC#Python
  • Launched my own company and engaged in over 20 freelance projects, leveraging full-stack development skills and a deep understanding of software architecture to serve a diverse client base of over 30 clients.
  • Delivered 10+ innovative software products through my company, effectively addressing complex business challenges and achieving a 40% increase in client operational efficiency.
  • Tackled a wide range of over 25 short-term freelance projects, from web development to system optimization, providing tailored solutions that resulted in an average 30% performance improvement for client systems.
  • Enriched my professional experience through this dual path, broadening my technical expertise across 5+ programming languages and frameworks, and strengthening my adaptability to various working environments and project requirements, leading to a 90% client satisfaction rate.

3E IT Solutions Pvt Ltd . Software Engineer

June 2016-September 2017
Thiruvanthapuram, Kearla, India
Software ArchitectSolution ArchitectCode ReviewsMentorClient CommunicationMongoDBLoopbackAngularAngularJsReact
  • Collaborated closely with clients on full project designs, understanding and gathering their requirements to ensure tailored solutions, leading to successful completion of 10+ projects with 100% client satisfaction.
  • Led a team in analysing, structuring, and finalizing solutions for projects, overseeing the development of 5+ projects and improving project delivery efficiency by 30%.
  • Stayed abreast of the latest technological advancements and industry updates, integrating cutting-edge solutions into 10+ projects, securing a 40% improvement in product innovation and competitiveness.

Information Dynamics . Junior Programmer

August 2015-January 2016
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Transitioned from a junior programmer to taking on roles in creative design and HTML development, exceeding initial job expectations and contributing to diverse project aspects.
  • Assigned to develop a highly customizable CRM product, successfully designed numerous themes, including icon creation and template design, enhancing user interface and experience.
  • Contributed significantly to the coding aspect of the project, demonstrating versatility and technical proficiency by implementing 50+ custom features, leading to a 40% increase in CRM customization options.

Interakt Digital Solutions . Associate Technology Consultant

October 2014-August 2015
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
PHPLaravelSymfonyLumenHTMLCSSjQueryJavascriptCordovajQuery Mobile
  • Gained diverse platform experience at Interakt, transitioning from an intern to a full-time programmer, focusing on expanding programming skills and platform knowledge.
  • Specialized in Hybrid Application development using Cordova and jQuery Mobile, successfully developing multiple hybrid apps, demonstrating adaptability and proficiency in new technologies.
  • Showcased significant growth in the area of Hybrid Application development, delivering 5+ hybrid apps that enhanced mobile accessibility and user engagement for clients.

Interakt Digital Solutions . Intern

June 2014-August 2014
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Chose an internship for my final year MCA project, securing a position at Interakt, which transformed academic knowledge into practical applications, contributing to 3 key projects.